Allies in the Development of Our Country's Logistics Industry

More than three decades of contributions to the growth of the logistics and shipping market in the Dominican Republic.

personal de seguridad ageport

Get to know us

Our History

personal de seguridad ageport

AGEPORT was established in August 1987 to provide an integral agency service and management of stevedoring, unloading and loading operations of ships in all Dominican ports.

Our focus on combining highly qualified personnel with advanced technology has positioned us as a leading national and international firm, resulting in a steady growth and diversification of services, including the representation of international shipping lines.


We ensure the quality and continuous improvement of the services provided, both in the maritime transportation system and cargo stevedoring, within a participative environment with our customers, shareholders and employees, achieving maximum utilization of our resources.


To be leaders and cornerstone in the shipping sector, building with the development and sustainable growth of the same, achieving this, with the support of our shareholders, the loyalty of our customers and the total commitment of our employees.


  • Honesty:
    We support established laws and do not tolerate illegal actions that are detrimental to our integrity and beliefs. We have integrity in our actions and decisions.
  • Excellence:
    We are committed to quality service to our customers, this being our main objective every day.
  • Competitiveness:
    We are a visionary, demanding and avant-garde entity that achieves the highest level of efficiency and productivity in each of the activities we develop.
  • Responsibility:
    We assume the consequences of our decisions and actions, secure the resources of our customers and the well-being of our employees.
  • Teamwork:
    We take care to have and maintain the right people who work as a team to obtain the best results under a group effort rather than as individuals.
  • Security:
    Our staff is highly committed to safety in the proper handling of the loads and equipment to be used, guaranteeing the final delivery of services to our customers.

Certified Processes

BASC control and safety management system

We have safety and quality management systems and standards, in order to provide services that guarantee an efficient and safe management, maintaining a continuous improvement of our Quality and Safety Management System, certified by BASC.

The Business Anti-Smuggling Coalition (BASC) is a voluntary program that seeks, promotes and supports the strengthening of safety and security standards.

Based on its standards, it helps the company to establish security controls to ensure the safety of all company and business operations, through security training of personnel, customer and supplier screening, safety and security plans for personnel and facilities, documentation of operations, among others.

basc certification logo

Authorized Economic Operator

  • Financial solvency.
    Security of your business partners.
  • Security of the container and other cargo units.
  • Physical safety.
  • Physical access control.
  • Personnel safety.
  • Process security.
  • Information technology security.
  • Security and threat awareness training.

Commitment to the SGCS

The entire team is committed to perform the corresponding activities, following a methodology based on processes and risk management, in order to contribute to the maintenance and growth of our QMS, providing an efficient and quality service, adhering to compliance with international norms and standards, and ensuring the continuous improvement of our system, meeting the objectives established as part of its strategic planning.

Social Commitment Policy

Since Ageport began its operations, it has maintained a path of growth and has been concerned about the welfare of its employees, customers and communities in general, promoting a culture of sustainable values over time, in support of human rights and the environment, convinced that, through these actions, we can collaborate in the construction of a more just society for ourselves and the new generations.

Our main objective as a group is to create a responsible management model through initiatives that generate a positive impact on our employees, on the communities that may benefit from our management and on the environment.

We strive to have employees with exemplary conduct and encourage compliance with company regulations and the provisions of our code of ethics and conduct.

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Logo Congelasa Ageport

Desde su integración al Grupo AGEPORT en 2013, CONGELASA se ha convertido en un referente en el almacenamiento de productos congelados. Fundada en 2008, nuestra empresa se especializa en ofrecer servicios de almacenamiento congelado manteniendo temperaturas entre -12°C y -26°C.

Contamos con instalaciones de vanguardia diseñadas para garantizar la flexibilidad y agilidad necesarias para preservar la calidad e inocuidad de los productos almacenados. Acreditados con certificaciones ISO 9001 desde 2011 e IQNET desde 2017, nuestras instalaciones de 27,302 metros cúbicos incluyen 8 cámaras frigoríficas, una zona de antecámara y 10 muelles de carga.

Estratégicamente ubicados a 800 metros del Puerto de Haina Oriental, formamos parte esencial del Hub Logístico de Haina. Nuestros servicios integrales están respaldados por un equipo con más de 20 años de experiencia en el sector, lo que nos permite ofrecer soluciones logísticas completas y eficientes a nuestros clientes.

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Logo Granelca Ageport

Estratégicamente ubicados en el puerto de Rio Haina, el principal puerto de importación de carga suelta en la República Dominicana, GRANELCA es nuestra instalación de silos dedicada al manejo de importaciones de diversos tipos de cereales, como maíz, trigo, avena, malta, soya en granos, entre otros.

Con más de tres décadas al servicio del sector importador, en la actualidad contamos con una capacidad de almacenaje de 28,000 toneladas métricas y nos enfocamos rigurosamente en expandir continuamente nuestra capacidad de almacenaje y la oferta de servicios.

La ubicación estratégica y la configuración de nuestras instalaciones brindan a nuestros clientes la certeza de que no enfrentarán contratiempos en el recibo y despacho de su materia prima. Garantizamos la integridad de sus productos almacenándolos en silos limpios y fumigados, además de ofrecer opciones de servicios personalizados según las necesidades de su producción.

En GRANELCA, mientras usted produce, nosotros cuidamos de su materia prima.

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Logo Rodemsa Ageport

Establecida en el año 2001 como Centro Logístico, RODEMSA ofrece una amplia gama de servicios que incluyen Almacenamiento General y Fiscal, Operador Logístico, Consolidación y Desconsolidación para Importaciones, Exportaciones y Tránsito de bienes secos.

Nuestras instalaciones, estratégicamente ubicadas a 500 metros de la Terminal Internacional Rio Haina, abarcan un área de 26,000 metros cuadrados, con una nave techada de hormigón armado de 12,500 metros cuadrados. Este espacio está diseñado para recibir y almacenar diversos bienes, equipos y mercancías, tanto en áreas cubiertas como al aire libre. La capacidad de acoplamiento es impresionante, permitiendo hasta 9 contenedores simultáneos.

RODEMSA se distingue por cumplir con los más altos estándares de seguridad y calidad, respaldados por certificaciones como ISO 28000, ISO 9001, IQNET, OEA y BASC.

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Logo SBD Ageport

En Smart Business Dominicana, agregamos valor a través de servicios personalizados, proporcionando soluciones oportunas que potencian la eficiencia de su negocio.

Independientemente del tamaño del proyecto, brindamos acompañamiento y asesoramiento integral en cada etapa de Importación y Exportación, Despacho de Aduanas, Transporte Terrestre, Almacenamiento General y Seguros de Carga (a nivel local e internacional).

Nuestro equipo está compuesto por profesionales con una extensa trayectoria en el sector logístico, tanto a nivel local como internacional. Contamos con una red global de agentes expertos que refuerzan la calidad de nuestros servicios especializados. Con Smart Business Dominicana, su negocio se beneficia de una atención personalizada y de soluciones logísticas adaptadas a sus necesidades específicas.

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Logo Congelasa Ageport

Since its integration into the AGEPORT Group in 2013, CONGELASA has become a benchmark in the storage of frozen products. Founded in 2008, our company specializes in offering frozen storage services maintaining temperatures between -12°C and -26°C.

We have state-of-the-art facilities designed to ensure the flexibility and agility necessary to preserve the quality and safety of stored products. Accredited with ISO 9001 certifications since 2011 and IQNET since 2017, our 27,302 cubic meter facility includes 8 cold storage rooms, an antechamber area and 10 loading docks.

Strategically located 800 meters from the Port of Haina Oriental, we are an essential part of the Haina Logistics Hub. Our comprehensive services are backed by a team with more than 20 years of experience in the sector, which allows us to offer complete and efficient logistics solutions to our customers.

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Logo Granelca Ageport

Strategically located in the port of Rio Haina, the main port of import of loose cargo in the Dominican Republic, GRANELCA is our silo facility dedicated to the handling of imports of various types of grains, such as corn, wheat, oats, malt, soybeans in grains, among others.

With more than three decades of service to the import sector, we currently have a storage capacity of 28,000 metric tons and are rigorously focused on continuously expanding our storage capacity and service offerings.

The strategic location and configuration of our facilities provide our customers with the certainty that they will not face setbacks in the receipt and dispatch of their raw materials. We guarantee the integrity of your products by storing them in clean and fumigated silos, in addition to offering customized service options according to your production needs.

At GRANELCA, while you produce, we take care of your raw material.

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Logo Rodemsa Ageport

Established in 2001 as a Logistics Center, RODEMSA offers a wide range of services including General and Bonded Warehousing, Logistics Operator, Consolidation and Deconsolidation for Imports, Exports and Transit of dry goods.

Our facilities, strategically located 500 meters from the Rio Haina International Terminal, cover an area of 26,000 square meters, with a reinforced concrete roofed warehouse of 12,500 square meters. This space is designed to receive and store various goods, equipment and merchandise, both in covered and open-air areas. The docking capacity is impressive, allowing up to 9 simultaneous containers.

RODEMSA distinguishes itself by complying with the highest safety and quality standards, backed by certifications such as ISO 28000, ISO 9001, IQNET, OAS and BASC.

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Logo SBD Ageport

At Smart Business Dominicana, we add value through customized services, providing timely solutions that enhance the efficiency of your business.

Regardless of the size of the project, we provide comprehensive support and advice at every stage of Import and Export, Customs Clearance, Land Transportation, General Storage and Cargo Insurance (local and international).

Our team is composed of professionals with extensive experience in the logistics sector, both locally and internationally. We have a global network of expert agents that reinforce the quality of our specialized services. With Smart Business Dominicana, your business benefits from personalized attention and logistics solutions tailored to your specific needs.

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especificaciones contenedores ageport